Management Committee

Management Committee

The management of the school is vested in the hands of the nine (9) members of the Management Committee.  The membership comprises 5 members from Entebbe Baptist Church, 2 members representing the parents, 1 member representing the staff, and the Head Teacher (Secretary).

Members are selected and appointed by the Board of Directors based on their expertise, experience, and association with the school/community to serve for a term of three years.

The Management Committee is responsible for:

  1. Overseeing the implementation of policies and guidelines by Entebbe Christian School.
  2. Advising the Board of Directors on staff administrative issues.
  3. Planning and development of the school in accordance with rules and policy guidelines from the Ministry of Education and Sports.
  4. Responsible for the finances of the school and its proper management and accountability.
  5. Responsible for the staff recruitment, welfare, and discipline in consultation with the Board of Directors Entebbe Baptist Church.
  6. Overseeing/supervising the general administration and running of Entebbe Christian School.